good and

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adj. bet·ter (bĕt′ər), best (bĕst)
1. Being positive or desirable in nature; not bad or poor: a good experience; good news from the hospital.
a. Having the qualities that are desirable or distinguishing in a particular thing: a good exterior paint; a good joke.
b. Serving the desired purpose or end; suitable: Is this a good dress for the party?
a. Not spoiled or ruined: The milk is still good.
b. In excellent condition; sound: a good tooth.
a. Superior to the average; satisfactory: a good student.
b. Used formerly to refer to the US Government grade of meat higher than standard and lower than choice.
a. Of high quality: good books.
b. Discriminating: good taste.
a. Of moral excellence; upright: a good person.
b. Benevolent; kind: a good soul; a good heart.
c. Loyal; staunch: a good Republican.
d. Well-behaved; obedient: a good child.
e. Socially correct; proper: good manners.
7. Worthy of respect; honorable: ruined the family's good name.
8. Attractive; handsome: good looks.
9. Beneficial to health; salutary: a good night's rest.
10. Competent; skilled: a good machinist.
11. Complete; thorough: a good workout.
a. Reliable; sure: a good investment.
b. Valid or true: a good reason.
c. Genuine; real: a good dollar bill.
a. In effect; operative: a warranty good for two years; a driver's license that is still good.
b. Ready or able for a specified or assumed activity: I'm good for another round of golf.
a. Able to pay or contribute: Is she good for the money that you lent her?
b. Able to elicit a specified reaction: He is always good for a laugh.
a. Ample; substantial: a good income.
b. Bountiful: a good table.
16. Full: It is a good mile from here.
a. Pleasant; enjoyable: had a good time at the party.
b. Propitious; favorable: good weather; a good omen.
18. Sports
a. Landing within bounds or within a particular area of a court and therefore in play: The first serve was wide, but the second was good.
b. Passing between the uprights of the goal and therefore scoring, as a field goal in football.
19. Used to form exclamatory phrases expressing surprise or dismay: Good heavens! Good grief!
a. Something that is good.
b. A good, valuable, or useful part or aspect.
2. Welfare; benefit: for the common good.
3. Goodness; virtue: There is much good to be found in people.
a. A product that is bought and sold: frozen goods.
b. goods Portable personal property.
c. (used with a sing. or pl. verb) Fabric; material.
5. goods Slang Incriminating information or evidence: tried to get the goods on the crook.
adv. Informal
as good as
Practically; nearly: as good as new.
but good
Informal Used as an intensive: The pipe started to leak but good.
for good
Permanently; forever: I'm moving to Europe for good.
good and
Informal Very; thoroughly: I'll do it when I'm good and ready.
no good Informal
1. Worthless.
2. Futile; useless: It's no good arguing with them.
to the good
1. For the best; advantageous.
2. In an advantageous financial position: ended up to the good.

[Middle English, from Old English gōd; see ghedh- in Indo-European roots.]
Usage Note: In standard usage, good is an adjective, and the only verbs it should be used with are linking verbs such as be, seem, or appear: The future looks good. The soup tastes good. It should not be used as an adverb with other verbs: The car runs well (not good). Thus, The dress fits well and looks good. See Usage Note at well2.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adv.1.good and - completely or thoroughly; "when I'm good and ready"
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
I had the 2.0-litre Multi-Jet diesel with 140hp and it smoothed its way along the roads, taking care of corners and sitting good and true on the Tarmac.
"There's a war going on in America, between right and wrong, between good and evil, between those that want to deprive us of the acknowledgment of God and those, like you, who will stand up and fight for Him," Moore said.
We have an attraction because we see union with God as good and desirable, and we fear because we're afraid that we may get in over our heads or get more than we bargained for.