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 (fər-gĭv′ĭng, fôr-)
1. Inclined or able to forgive.
2. Providing a margin for error or shortcomings.

for·giv′ing·ly adv.
for·giv′ing·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.forgivingness - tendency to be kind and forgiving
mercifulness, mercy - a disposition to be kind and forgiving; "in those days a wife had to depend on the mercifulness of her husband"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Forgivingness: Relationship with conceptualizations of divine forgiveness and childhood memories.
In addition, trait forgivingness mediated the relationship between positive religious coping and PTG and the relationship between direct or indirect war experience and PTG.
In fact, Christianity's concept of forgivingness and not to judge has exposed itself to abuse and exploitation.That is why our pastors conveniently tread the simplistic path of prosperity.
Study 2 replicated the findings from Study 1, such that participants who completed the PROVE Humility workbook reported improvements in humility and other virtues (e.g., forgivingness and patience), as well as reductions in negative affect.
Differentiation-based models of forgivingness, mental health and social justice commitment: Mediator effects for differentiation of self and humility.
Dispositional forgivingness: Development and construct validity of the transgression narrative test of forgivingness (TNTF).
In Figure 2(h), no artefacts can be seen from visual inspection, demonstrating the forgivingness of the spiral sampling pattern to few inconsistencies in k-space.
Vinsonneau, "Forgivingness A Congo-France Comparison", Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 32, no.
The Forgivingness Scale: The validity and reliability of the Turkish version [In Turkish].
"The tenth edition of the annual summer festival includes, inter alia, lectures, symposia, training workshops and cinema soirees; all aim to promote the sense of community, tolerance and forgivingness," he added.
If Namaz (a prayer which Muslim offer five times a day) helps in learning discipline in life, purifies souls and body, similarly fasting makes us learn patience, forgivingness in life where a Zakat (an amount compulsory for every Muslims to give to needy if they possess gold, cash and property) gives the message that serving humanity, help the needy is the probably the main aim of human life.