foreign agent

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Related to foreign agent: Mobile IP, Mipv6
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.foreign agent - a spy for a foreign country
spy, undercover agent - (military) a secret agent hired by a state to obtain information about its enemies or by a business to obtain industrial secrets from competitors
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References in periodicals archive ?
Investigators claim that she was engaged in these activities without registering as a foreign agent at the US Department of Justice.
In a letter to the then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions in April , 17 Republicans, including Zeldin and Senator Ted Cruz, questioned Al Jazeera's failure to register as a foreign agent.
WASHINGTON, July 6 (KUNA) -- The Russian government continues to stifle press freedom and media independence, the State Department said Friday, in a statement that condemned "the selective targeting of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) and Voice of America (VOA) under Russia's law on 'foreign agent' media outlets." RFE/RL and VOA "remain the only media outlets designated under this law, which exacerbates long-standing restrictions on their distribution in Russia," said the statement from department spokeswoman Heather Nauert.
It is shocking to hear calls being made by a number of US lawmakers to register Al Jazeera as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agent Registration Act.
It was a response to the US branch of Kremlin-funded broadcaster RT being required to register in America as a foreign agent. Russia's lower house of parliament, the Duma, has also indicated it will bar several US media organisations from accessing parliament.
In a recent report, a congressional commission recommended the United States government must make Chinese media outlet Xinhua register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
Download Russia Threatens To 'Retaliate' As RT Says It Will Register As Foreign Agent In U.S.
Moscow, Dhu-AlHijjah 06, 1437, September 07, 2016, SPA -- Russia's Justice Ministry has labelled the country's most esteemed independent pollster, Levada Center, as a foreign agent, the Interfax news agency reported Monday, according to dpa.
It also requires that materials published by civil society organizations through the media and the Internet must note that they were published or distributed by a non-commercial organisation acting as a "foreign agent."
Moscow : Russia may take legal action to shut down a prominent election monitor group, Golos, after it defiantly refused to register as a "foreign agent", the justice minister said yesterday.

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