

(Automotive Engineering) the part of a vehicle in which the foot pedals are located
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Alfie had been placed in the footwell of the car, between his mother's legs and behind Waterson's seat on the passenger side.
Stephen Waterson, 26, squashed Alfie Lamb in the footwell of his Audi while his mother Adrian Hoare looked on.
He said they acknowledged that the officer saw a parking ticket in the car's footwell, but as it was faced down could not read the date or time of it.
Another PC searched the Audi's passenger footwell and found mole grips, a crowbar, long-nose pliers, a screwdriver, bolster chisel and hammer.
Quizzed by Mr Harrington, he said he was aware the shotgun was in the front passenger footwell of the vehicle and its barrel was pointing towards the rear seats.
A HAIRDRESSER whose three-year-old son was crushed to death by a car seat after she left him in a footwell has been jailed for two years nine months.
She said "the keys were in the footwell" and "officers could smell alcohol".
A beautician who drove nine miles down the wrong way of a dual carriageway told police 'I'm lost' when they found her slumped in a layby with a bottle of wine in her footwell.
Israel Zafra was caught with 10 bags of the Class B drug in the footwell of the grey Ford Focus he was driving and nearly a kilo at his house.
When they returned to their van, they found the windscreen shattered and a brick in the footwell.
In a statement made after the incident, they said: "For the first time in all of the covert vehicle stops that I have conducted, the front seat passenger started to crouch down into the footwell...
A CABBIE caught carrying a blade in the footwell of his taxi claimed it was for his own 'protection'.