flowers of sulphur

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flowers of sulphur

pl n
(Chemistry) minute crystals of sulphur obtained by condensing sulphur vapour on a cold surface
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We know diseases of stoppings, and suffocations, are the most dangerous in the body; and it is not much otherwise in the mind; you may take sarza to open the liver, steel to open the spleen, flowers of sulphur for the lungs, castoreum for the brain; but no receipt openeth the heart, but a true friend; to whom you may impart griefs, joys, fears, hopes, suspicions, counsels, and whatsoever lieth upon the heart to oppress it, in a kind of civil shrift or confession.
Cut away portions that have rotted and dust the cuts with flowers of sulphur.
Sulphur supplement was provided as flowers of sulphur, selenium as sodium selenite and copper as copper sulphate.