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(Logic) logic quantifying only over individuals and not over predicates or clauses: first-order predicate calculus studies the logical properties of such quantification
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First-order calculations are an excellent way to complement the computational design techniques that now dominate the industry, he says, so he begins by providing the tools for first-order analysis in the design concept phase, and only then delves into the intricate details of a full-up design.
We set two combinations of the orders for the covariates of fixed (p) and random (q) regressions in Model_M2; the covariates of fixed and RR are second- and first-order Legendre polynomials (F2R1) and third- and second-order Legendre polynomials (F3R2), respectively
This method applied a nonlinear least squares optimization routine to find the coefficients of the functions (1) and (2) that best approximated the first-order LP Butterworth function with pole frequency 1 rad/s in the passband from m = 0.01 rad/s to 1 rad/s.
First, politics--as I shall be using the term--is the process of deciding what a group, or a part thereof, should do based on first-order practical reasons.
[4] proposed a method of using entropy for measuring the uncertainty of the state sequence of a first-order HMM tracked from a single observational sequence with a length of T.
The physical mechanisms for the first-order diffraction efficiency versus polarization angles of the probed beam are also discussed.
The reaction model of the relationship between the content change and the time was analyzed by the zero-order equation [9, 10] (1) or the first-order equation [11-14] (2), and the correlation coefficient [R.sup.2].
However, the Voronoi method gives first-order accuracy for the gradient of the solution in the [L.sup.[infinity]]-norm while the GFM gives second-order accuracy for such simplified problems.
More and more philosophers are willing to grant that second-order quantification, quantification into the positions of predicates (or their natural language counterparts), is a legitimate sui generis kind of quantification, not to be reduced to first-order quantification, quantification into the positions of singular terms.