fine spray

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Noun1.fine spray - precipitation in very small drops
downfall, precipitation - the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)
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But Skipper did not awake and a fine spray of rain, almost as thin as mist, made Jerry curl up and press closely into the angle formed by Skipper's head and shoulder.
This simple gadget delivers a fine spray of oil, perfect for dressing a salad and lightly sauteeing food in a pan.
These active-packed atomised liquids offer an extra dose of hydration in a fine spray that sinks into the skin quickly, without leaving any residue - no wonder they're such a crucial part of the fabled 12-step Korean skincare routine.
'Only three species of snakes can spit or eject their venom in a fine spray which is aimed at the eyes of an enemy.
SWITCH Dettol antibacterial surface cleanser spray (500ml) PS2, Asda FOR Multi surface cleaner (500ml) 59p, Asda SAVE: PS1.41 VERDICT: The Asda cleaner gave out a fine spray but we felt it cleaned the kitchen surfaces to our satisfaction and left them hygienic.
The new process is based on the atomization of [H.sub.2][O.sub.2], which produces a particularly fine spray mist.
Enabling accurate and repeatable measurement of such fine spray information is sensitive capacitive tactile sensor arrays, such as those designed and manufactured by PPS.
It makes protecting the kids easy as no rubbing in 3COOL PHARMACEUTICALS HOT WEATHER COOLING SPRAY (PS3.99 FOR 150ML) THIS fine spray will instantly revive your face and body in a heatwave.
Skunks can shoot a fine spray or a steady stream, and they can fire from one or both nipples.
Rather, the water is injected as a fine spray into the intake manifold plenum chamber.
It features a new water injection system that injects a fine spray into the intake system, reducing intake air temperatures.