factor III

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Noun1.factor III - an enzyme liberated from blood platelets that converts prothrombin into thrombin as blood starts to clot
clotting factor, coagulation factor - any of the factors in the blood whose actions are essential for blood coagulation
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Factor III was found to have significant loadings on family size number of siblings, total family education and children's need satisfied by others in the family.
The items are consolidated into five subscales: factor I "sleepiness on rising," factor II "initiation and maintenance of sleep," factor III "frequent dreaming," factor IV "refreshing," and factor V "sleep length." The Zi value was calculated using an MS-Excel sheet provided by the creators of the inventory, with higher values indicating better sleep quality.
Regarding the relations between factors, the "satisfaction with the way the work is done" (factor III) is the one which has the highest correlation with the "development opportunities" (factor IV) and with the satisfaction with the "relationship between the employer and the employee" (factor V), with the most intense being factor (IV) (correlation = 0.68).
Analysis carried out on such variables revealed that V5 and V9 really scored their best theoretical representativeness on those factors where they showed higher factorial loads (Factor III and Factor II, respectively).
Factor I (items 5, 8 and 9) accounted for 30.3% of the variance, Factor II (items 4 and 10) for 28.25% and Factor III (items 3, 6 and 7) for 14.2%.
Therefore, factor III (Meeting the fixed costs of equipment) is more important for the infrastructure and com/pub building companies (Fig.
The FSSC-SA has a five-factor solution: Factor I (fear of danger and death), Factor II (fear of the unknown), Factor III (worries), Factor IV (fear of animals), and Factor V (situational fears).
in Correlation calculations coefficient Number of mosques for every 10,000 X2 0.703 people Ratio of schools to guidance school X15 0.901 students Ratio of classrooms to elementary X16 0.726 school students Ratio of schools to guidance school X17 0.901 students Ratio of classrooms to guidance school X18 0.564 students Ratio of schools to high school X19 0.804 students Reference: The author's studies Table 4: Indexes loaded in factor III Index Row No.