


[ˈiːvlˈtempəd] ADJde muy mal genio or carácter
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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"Black" Burton, a man evil-tempered and malicious, had been picking a quarrel with a tenderfoot at the bar, when Thornton stepped good-naturedly between.
Starring Samuel L Jackson, it's about a gang of unlikeable, evil-tempered antiheroes who are thrown together despite having very little in common apart from their distaste for each other.
Through him you will meet the playwright Oliver Goldsmith, the painter Sir Joshua Reynolds and even Johnson's evil-tempered housekeeper, Mrs Williams.
Not all the Welsh saints were as evil-tempered as Cadoc.
A funny, silly story about evil-tempered Mr Gum, who has a disgusting house, but keeps an immaculate garden to avoid being bullied by a fairy with a frying pan.
"Well, I can see that, especially if the pets are as evil-tempered as you," I told my cat, but she was already distracted by a piece of unpopped popcorn on the floor.
The last time the two sides met in the competition was an evil-tempered tie in 1990.
The actors all showed guts in the face of the conditions, and Stephen Glover stood out as the evil-tempered servant Malvolio, who is tricked into thinking Olivia loves him .
LET'S tell the truth - Jose Mourinho and his Chelsea whingers are the most evil-tempered and worst losers of all time.
Nobody can legislate for the disgusting behaviour of the drunken louts or evil-tempered thugs who are often the clients of casualty wards.
Le Grand Eric has been cast as en evil-tempered brawler in his latest film.
Abra Rudisill as tragic, evil-tempered Mary, Michael Lowe as Ben Weatherstaff Schmalle as Archibald Craven, and Ben Barnhart as Dickon do what Oakland Ballet does best: bring humanity--eccentric, persnickety, irresistible humanit--to the stage.