
Also found in: Idioms.


(ˌɛskæˈljeɪ; French ɛskalje)
(Architecture) a staircase
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
L'esquif aborde et me depose, Jetant son amarre au pilier, Devant une facade rose, Sur le marbre d'un escalier.
The site is famous for its 'Grand Escalier' - the 216 steps or 'large staircase' which pilgrims are said to have climbed on their knees to see the Black Virgin statue, worshipped for over a millennium.
When he's not working on design or DJing, he works on his own productions that he has played live on a modular synthesizer as a solo act at Reunion, and with Akram Hajj in their indie electronica duo "Escalier 301 b" at venues like The Ballroom Blitz, and B018.
Our plan to take a boat trip around its spectacular coastline was scuppered by the wind, so instead we joined the trail of tourists descending the vertiginous Escalier du Roi d'Aragon running down from the citadel to the sea.
Le nom vient du mot latin "scala", qui signifie "escalier" ou "echelle", marquant la prochaine etape pour le constructeur automobile tcheque dans le segment des compactes.
Cette derniUuA re est accessible par un escalier sculptUu[c] dans les rochers avant de sae1/4aoenfoncer dans les galets.
Five investments have already been made from the fund into German immuno-oncology company Catalym, and Dutch companies Escalier Biosciences, Scenic Biotech, Varmx, and Mellon Medical working on autoimmune diseases, target discovery, haematology, and vascular suturing respectively.
96] and Francois Casimir Escalier as 'the Peasant' [p.