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1. superintendence
2. (Ecclesiastical Terms) episcopacy
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However, recent studies using electron microspy and episcopy on human and mice embryos recognized three outflow tract components, namely, the proximal, intermediate, and distal components in the developing primary heart tube [19].
He covers Alcuin's formation and reputation; the adoptionist crisis; mission, episcopy, and monarchy; the Bible; prayer; education; and poetry.
Anglicans are an episcopy: governing of church by bishops.
"I pray that the Polish Episcopy, led by its Primate, and helped by Her who is given to be the defender of our Nation, can once again help the Nation in its hard fight for its daily bread, for social justice and for guarantees of its natural rights to its own life and development." (158)
The bare mention of establishing Episcopy in this country has raised an universal discontent among the people.
Three primary schools were also established and financed by the British rule in Limassol, Episcopy and Paphos according to the census reports of 1891 (Behcet, 1969, p.
Kelly, who left a teaching career to enter the ministry in the late 1960s, came full circle in 1988 when she retired from the episcopy to become a visiting professor at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California.