endotracheal anaesthesia

endotracheal anaesthesia

(Veterinary Science) a method of administering gaseous anaesthetics to animals through a tube inserted into the trachea
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References in periodicals archive ?
Type of Anesthesia: General endotracheal Anaesthesia.
The effects of magnesium sulphate-pretreatment on suxamethonium-induced complications during induction of general endotracheal anaesthesia. Afr J Med Med Sci 2007; 36: 43-7.
As we approach the hundredth anniversary of the commencement of the First World War, we might contemplate that one of its legacies was the development and acceptance of endotracheal anaesthesia.
This study shows that dexamethasone significantly reduced the common post-operative complications like PONV and sore throat in patients undergoing caesarean section under general endotracheal anaesthesia.
Endotracheal Anaesthesia. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 1941.
She had had two previous shoulder operations under general endotracheal anaesthesia three years previously without incident.