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(Professions) the activity of illegally taking recreational drugs into a country
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He needs drug-addled, drug-running, pilot, Avia to move from product from an auxiliary warehouse to their main distribution center.
A PRISON officer charged over an alleged jailhouse drug-running racket is a rookie warder who was only six months into the job.
CATCH .44 Sky Movies Premiere 10.45PM PREMIERE Bruce CATCH .44 Sky Movies Premiere 10.45PM PREMIERE Bruce Willis sends Malin Akerman's drug-running bimbos on a fateful mission in trashy Taranteeny tribute.
CATCH .44 Sky Movies Premiere 10.45PM PREMIERE Bruce Willis sends Malin Akerman's drug-running bimbos on a fateful CATCH .44 Sky Movies Premiere 10.45PM PREMIERE Bruce Willis sends Malin Akerman's drug-running bimbos on a fateful mission in trashy Taranteeny tribute.
In "Free Ride," writer-director Shana Betz's 1970s-set feature debut, an attractive single mother of two (Anna Paquin) escapes a dangerously abusive relationship, relocating to Florida and sliding into a drug-running career.
He pleaded guilty to 48 charges between 1992 and 2008, including possessing handguns with intent to endanger life, withholding information about terrorist attacks, petrol bomb attacks and drug-running.
He goes undercover to infiltrate skydivers opening a drug-running racket.
The riot broke out early on Monday in Reynosa, which has seen increased violence among drug-running cartels in the border town's jail.
In an April 1, 2007 story filed from Bogota, Reuters reported that Colombian consumer confidence continues to be supported by the current president's campaign against, "drug-running leftist rebels fighting a four-decade-old insurgency." The campaign has had a positive impact on personal safety in Colombia's cities, which in turn has stimulated more shopping trips on the part of consumers.
The most important operational contribution of the squadron was its participation the tracking and interdiction of drug-running aircraft and vessels in the Caribbean area during the last two decades.
Within weeks of his release he was back in jail on remand, waiting to be dealt with for what proved to be unfounded allegations of drug-running.