dream away

Also found in: Idioms.

w>dream away

vt sep timeverträumen; one’s lifemit Träumen verbringen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
Heaven grant that she may dream away the recollection of the Boston massacre!"
I agreed with George, and suggested that we should seek out some retired and old-world spot, far from the madding crowd, and dream away a sunny week among its drowsy lanes - some half-forgotten nook, hidden away by the fairies, out of reach of the noisy world - some quaint-perched eyrie on the cliffs of Time, from whence the surging waves of the nineteenth century would sound far-off and faint.
She trifled away half an hour at the piano; and played, in that time, selections from the Songs of Mendelssohn, the Mazurkas of Chopin, the Operas of Verdi, and the Sonatas of Mozart -- all of whom had combined together on this occasion and produced one immortal work, entitled "Frank." She closed the piano and went up to her room, to dream away the hours luxuriously in visions of her married future.
"To hear you talk," said Irais, "no one would ever imagine that you dream away your days in a garden with a book, and that you never in your life seized anything by the scruff of its neck.
You have got your hat on-- suppose we go and dream away the afternoon in the grounds?"
Just a Dream Away is a "reflection on ambition" and can be heard on the band's Spotify page now.
This passion and professionalism to go the extra mile extended to the ultra cool and ultra relaxing Spa Nescens; a dream away from a dream in the heart of the hotel.
You're still a dream away a ghost ship in the night, I can't hear the words you say I can't see, but I have sight.
A scene from Egyptian documentary film ''Dream Away''- IMDB CAIRO -- 18 September 2018: Egyptian documentary film ''Dream Away'' was chosen to participate in the official competition at the second edition of El-Gouna International Film Festival and the 62nd edition of the BFI London Film Festival.
I will love and miss you so much, so be at peace and dream away. So for now goodbye and God bless you.