doctor's bill

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:'s bill - statement of charges for medical servicesdoctor's bill - statement of charges for medical services
invoice, bill, account - an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered; "he paid his bill and left"; "send me an account of what I owe"
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References in classic literature ?
Poor Huck was too distressed to smile, but the old man laughed loud and joyously, shook up the details of his anatomy from head to foot, and ended by saying that such a laugh was money in a-man's pocket, be- cause it cut down the doctor's bill like everything.
Patients who had chronic diseases or whose lives had long been worn threadbare, like old Featherstone's, had been at once inclined to try him; also, many who did not like paying their doctor's bills, thought agreeably of opening an account with a new doctor and sending for him without stint if the children's temper wanted a dose, occasions when the old practitioners were often crusty; and all persons thus inclined to employ Lydgate held it likely that he was clever.
"Let's say someone had a bill they had to pay, let's say they had a doctor's bill for themselves or their child and you were going to use part of your next paycheck to pay itnow you can't go to the doctor."
A photo ID and a current document verifying resident name and address (such as a utility bill, rental agreement, or doctor's bill) are required.
Following payment of the doctor's bill, my grandfather splurged on a 55-cent haircut, his first in a month.
The post Settling the doctor's bill with halloumi appeared first on Cyprus Mail .
He had to pay the doctor's bill when my eldest brother became ill and he sold his beloved gold watch which was left to him by his father, for us to survive and pay doctor's bills.
"It may cost 30-35% more than your regular food but you will save on the doctor's bill as you start leading a healthier life," he added.
COVEN TREE Up in Broadgate - space must be thin I could only find - a narrow way in I couldn't see a pupil - in the Old Grammar School I think they all left - to shear sheep for wool Round the corner in Lamb Street - I didn't so much as meet One young sheep - or even hear a bleat Jordan Well - didn't get a doctor's bill Simply because - Jordan wasn't ill The Ring Road - no cox or eight A rowing club?
The wonderful NHS saves lives and we must never allow a return to the dark days when families feared the doctor's bill which accompanied illness.
What if the patient left from that first visit, bought the pills on his own and never paid the doctor's bill? Most people would say such behavior was tantamount to theft.
Iwondher why ye can always read a doctor's bill an' ye niver can read hispurscription."