do drugs

Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: drugs - use recreational drugs
ingest, consume, have, take in, take - serve oneself to, or consume regularly; "Have another bowl of chicken soup!"; "I don't take sugar in my coffee"
inject - take by injection; "inject heroin"
take a hit, snort - inhale through the nose
free-base, base - use (purified cocaine) by burning it and inhaling the fumes
drop - take (a drug, especially LSD), by mouth; "She dropped acid when she was a teenager"
dope - take drugs to improve one's athletic performance
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
When we were younger we promised each other that we'd never get involved in underage drinking, do drugs, get tattoos or fall pregnant before we'd been to college.
When we were younger we promised each other that we'd never get involved in underage drinking, do drugs, have tattoos or get pregnant before we'd been to college.
It is not just urban students who do drugs, for imaginative students in rural areas and small towns also make do with controlled medication like Dormicum, codeine or Nospan.