divorce court

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Related to divorce court: Divorce papers
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.divorce court - a court having jurisdiction over the termination of marriage contractsdivorce court - a court having jurisdiction over the termination of marriage contracts
court, judicature, tribunal - an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
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divorce court

nScheidungsgericht nt
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References in classic literature ?
"You are not like these fools of Englishmen who go to sleep when they are married, and wake in the divorce court. For the present at least you have lost Lucille.
When poor Southwark got into the divorce court, their indignation was quite magnificent.
Dalroy had come down, it seemed, to snuff up the scent of a scandal which might very well end in the Divorce Court, but which was at present hovering between Grey Cottage and Pendragon Park.
But he gave it up directly, and began to think of the Divorce Court. It did not present itself to him, notwithstanding his respect for law and usage, as a proper refuge for dignified grief.
Many couples who began marriage madly in love ended in the divorce courts. Martin was kind and it would be wonderful to have the home he had described.
And after that, for a weary time, I did the police and divorce courts. But it all came well in the end and did me good.
TELEVISION presenter Ant McPartlin and his estranged wife, Lisa Armstrong, have begun a divorce court fight over money.
[USA], Sep 05 (ANI): Divorce court judge Lynn Toler wants Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to stop the nasty divorce battle and instead do it the peaceful way.
THE ex-wife of an Italian businessman worth around PS500m should walk away with a lump sum of PS115m, a judge has ruled after a London divorce court battle.
A MILLIONAIRE has been ordered to buy his former partner a new house after she told a divorce court judge their teenage daughters were getting too big for the bedroom they share.
gets ready divorce court And there's news about Christie that will force Hannah to confront her past.
She is a regular participant in the Northwest Suburban Bar Association's Divorce Court and Paternity Court Facilitator programs, providing advice and assistance to parties without legal representation.