

vb (tr) , -lies, -lying or -lied
(Law) formal to make (a law or legal requirement) not applicable or invalid
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Staffline shares closed at 150.00p on Wednesday.If the bookbuild does not close or shareholders do not approve resolutions to allot shares and disapply statutory pre-emption rights, the open offer cannot be implemented and Staffline's lenders could demand repayment of all borrowings, "which the group cannot afford".
On the mechanisms that were discussed during the conference and how to activate them, he explained that during the conference two tracks were identified, the first emphasised the importance of recognising that there are existing mechanisms and that they do not start from scratch, especially since there are many who object to these mechanisms or seek to disapply them if they are incompatible with them, he said, calling on all countries to abide by these mechanisms.
A spokesman later explained that the process would be accelerated by a clause in the Withdrawal Agreement Bill itself, which would disapply the terms of the 2010 Act in this case.
27, 2016) available at http://nbconf.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/NBC-Ltr-to-Cong-re-Ch-15-Amendments2.pdf (asking Congress to disapply [section]109 in chapter 15 cases).
"It is a well-established principle that where national law conflicts with EU law, the organs of the Member States are under a duty to disapply their national law." The judge explained he accepted counsel for Dwyer's assertion the Irish legislation was a problem for a long time.
Such situations may very often arise in arbitration and if they were sufficient to disapply arbitration clauses, this would effectively be the end of arbitration.
If the Order is confirmed, a conveyance is registered in implement of the Order which may vary or extinguish rights to enforce real burdens and servitudes affecting the land and/or disapply a development management scheme affecting the land.
To balance the absence of publicity with protection of third parties, the Directive requires Member States to disapply publicity formalities only if the financial collateral has been provided in such a way as to be in the possession or control of the collateral taker-assignee.
common law constitutionalism "claims the existence of judicially enforceable higher law even absent a switch to a formal written constitution, including the power of courts to disapply conflicting statutes"); W.J.
Effective application of competition provisions is very explicitly connected to the procedural autonomy dictum in Donau Chemie, by adding after the usual formula that "(s)pecifically, in the area of competition law, those rules must not jeopardise the effective application of Articles 101 TFEU and 102 TFEU." The CJEU made strong statements on the unacceptability of a national rule, underlining the principle of effectiveness.58 Of other competition-related cases on national systems' duty to ensure EU rules take full effect, for instance, in CIF, the principle of sincere cooperation read together with substantive competition law led the CJEU to rule that a national competition authority was under the obligation to disapply national law which undermined EU competition law.
The placing is conditional, inter alia, upon the company obtaining approval from its Shareholders to grant the board authority to allot the placing shares and to disapply statutory pre-emption rights which would otherwise apply to the allotment of the placing shares.
The NZBORA allows courts to quash executive action that violates any of the protected rights, but expressly states that courts have no power to disapply legislation and, uniquely in this family, provides for no expressly stated judicial power to declare statutes to be inconsistent with the bill of rights.