direct mailer

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direct mail

Advertising or marketing announcements sent by mail without being requested to residences and workplaces.

di·rect′-mail′ adj.
direct mailer n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: mailer - a distributor who uses direct mail to sell merchandise
distributor - a company that markets merchandise; "his company is a large distributor of software products"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The agency earned both a Gold ADDY for its design of a direct mailer and a Silver ADDY for its design work in a newspaper that it created for Carolina Ballet, a highly respected professional ballet company based in Raleigh that performs across the state of North Carolina, and a Bronze ADDY for its design work for the firm's self-promotional website.
Since 2003 Postcard Services, a direct mailer and software development company, has been dedicated to creating tools that empower businesses of all sizes to create quality direct mail programs, without the expense of hiring multiple agencies.
Cub previously had a "minimal" ad presence in the Tribune, a spokesman says, and had relied on the direct mailer Advo Inc.
Lennar's marketing awards included Best Direct Mailer, Best Radio, Best Newspaper Ad, Best Magazine Ad and Best Advertising Campaign.
ONE OF THE biggest sources of "free money," lists permeate every nook and cranny of a direct mailer's world.
A LAWSUIT BROUGHT by direct mailer Advo Inc., against Philadelphia Newspapers Inc., has been dismissed by a U.S.
The group has been sending out a direct mailer, handing out literature in English and Spanish, doing some door-to-door work, visiting the train station and putting up yard signs.
"The court did not say it agreed with the Postal Service's decision to grant special discount rates to this large direct mailer. It simply said it would not disrupt the expertise of the PRC," said Robert Williams Jr., president of the NNA and publisher of the SouthFire Newspaper Group in Blackshear, Ga., said.
Additionally, NAA and NMHC delivered a high-impact direct mailer to key policy influencers, including every U.S.
"Due to the design of the direct mailer, once the farmer made the initial phone call, our seed advisors were able to visit with the farmer twice and continue building a stronger relationship."
In addition to the Review-Independent, the Smiths purchased the Spanish-language weekly newspaper Viva, the weekly Central Valley Shopper direct mailer, the monthly Yakima Valley Business Journal, and the annual Yakima Valley Visitor's Guide.

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