dilleniid dicot genus

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Noun1.dilleniid dicot genus - genus of more or less advanced dicotyledonous trees and shrubs and herbs
dicot genus, magnoliopsid genus - genus of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination
Capparis, genus Capparis - tropical or subtropical evergreen shrubs or small trees
genus Cleome, Cleome - tropical and subtropical annual or perennial herbs or low shrubs
Crateva, genus Crateva - tropical genus of small trees or shrubs
genus Polanisia, Polanisia - widely distributed herbs having palmate leaves and creamy white to or pink to magenta flowers with many stamens of unequal length
Aethionema, genus Aethionema - Old World genus of the family Cruciferae
Alliaria, genus Alliaria - a genus of herbs of the family Cruciferae; have broad leaves and white flowers and long siliques
genus Alyssum, Alyssum - a genus of the family Cruciferae
Anastatica, genus Anastatica - one species: rose of Jericho; resurrection plant
Arabidopsis, genus Arabidopsis - a genus of the mustard family having white or yellow or purplish flowers; closely related to genus Arabis
Arabis, genus Arabis - annual to perennial woody herbs of temperate North America, Europe and Asia: rockcress
Armoracia, genus Armoracia - horseradish
Barbarea, genus Barbarea - biennial or perennial herbs of north temperate regions: winter cress
Berteroa, genus Berteroa - hoary alyssum
Biscutella, genus Biscutella - genus of Eurasian herbs and small shrubs: buckler mustard
Brassica, genus Brassica - mustards: cabbages; cauliflowers; turnips; etc.
Cakile, genus Cakile - small genus of succulent annual herbs found on sandy shores of North America and Europe
Camelina, false flax, genus Camelina - annual and biennial herbs of Mediterranean to central Asia
Capsella, genus Capsella - shepherd's purse
Cardamine, genus Cardamine - bittercress, bitter cress
Dentaria, genus Dentaria - usually included in genus Cardamine; in some classifications considered a separate genus
Cheiranthus, genus Cheiranthus - Old World perennial plants grown for their showy flowers
Cochlearia, genus Cochlearia - a genus of the family Cruciferae
Crambe, genus Crambe - annual or perennial herbs with large leaves that resemble the leaves of cabbages
Descurainia, genus Descurainia - includes annual or biennial herbs of America and Europe very similar to and often included among those of genera Sisymbrium or Hugueninia; not recognized in some classification systems
genus Draba - large genus of low tufted herbs of temperate and Arctic regions
Eruca, genus Eruca - annual to perennial herbs of the Mediterranean region
Erysimum, genus Erysimum - large genus of annual or perennial herbs some grown for their flowers and some for their attractive evergreen leaves; Old World and North America
genus Heliophila - genus of South African flowering herbs and subshrubs
genus Hesperis, Hesperis - biennial or perennial erect herbs having nocturnally fragrant flowers
genus Hugueninia, Hugueninia - one species: tansy-leaved rocket
genus Iberis, Iberis - Old World herbs and subshrubs: candytuft
genus Isatis, Isatis - Old World genus of annual to perennial herbs: woad
genus Lepidium, Lepidium - cosmopolitan genus of annual and biennial and perennial herbs: cress
genus Lesquerella, Lesquerella - genus of low-growing hairy herbs: bladderpods
genus Lobularia, Lobularia - sweet alyssum
genus Lunaria, Lunaria - small genus of European herbs: honesty
genus Malcolmia, Malcolmia - genus of plants usually found in coastal habitats; Mediterranean to Afghanistan
genus Matthiola, Matthiola - genus of Old World plants grown as ornamentals
genus Nasturtium, Nasturtium - aquatic herbs
genus Physaria, Physaria - small genus of western North American herbs similar to Lesquerella: bladderpods
genus Pritzelago, Pritzelago - chamois cress
genus Rorippa, Rorippa - annual and perennial herbs of damp habitats; cosmopolitan except Antarctica
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