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a person who or a thing which dewaters
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The property has a dewaterer and macerator machine, and a compost machine, which aid in converting waste into fertilisers.
For added efficiency, the Witte dewaterer may be fitted with spray nozzles to integrate rinsing steps into the process.
Recently, the hotel has installed a dewaterer and macerator machine to streamline its waste management scheme and save on cost, time and labour.
This Vortex CQC also included the latest new and enhanced features and water savings benefits, and also incorporated the new design Dewaterer which is highly successful at removing excess water on all different pastas.
Food waste comprises around 77% liquid, so the processing stations employ a food waste disposer to grind the waste into small particles and then use a dewaterer to extract the solids, allowing the grey water to drain.
The Xpress cascading roller press system squeezes liquid from the solid reject of a dewaterer, processing raw scraped manure or digester effluent to produce a material suitable for bedding or compost.