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division into departments, esp when resulting in impaired efficiency
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


advocacy of the division of something, such as an educational institution, into departments. — departmentalization, n.
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Walsh, Judicial Departmentalism: An Introduction, 58 WM.
(171) Larry Kramer has also suggested that this episode modified Madison's thinking on interpretation, pushing him away from departmentalism and toward judicial supremacy, at least for questions of federalism.
However, the coordination of policies and programs run by different ministries is important, and the problem of 'resource dilution,' which is related to persistent departmentalism among ministries, remains unsolved.
(16) Unless such thinkers as James Madison, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln can be considered "modernists," perhaps it is advocates of departmentalism who should be considered traditionalists.
Academic debate still rages over the desirability of different versions of judicial supremacy on the one hand and departmentalism on the other.
The longstanding tradition known as departmentalism, or coordinate
The DOM face several problems--most particularly, continued departmentalism which obscures and offends Antillean identity and culture; political and electoral apathy; and growing societal divisions between the dominant white Creole beke class, the privileged public sector workers, and the large number of unemployed.
He also claims that Frankfurter favored departmentalism. Id.
What's more, there are some, when representatives of the executive bodies, acting from a perspective of departmentalism, were taking in-court legal positions different from those of the lawyer representing the Legal Department of the Regional Administration.
(166.) Kerr, supra note 58; see also Hansen, supra note 28, at 1179 ("The Obama Administration's asserted justification fell outside the nondefense framework and pushed departmentalism to a level never previously experienced.").

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