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also de·mar·ka·tion  (dē′mär-kā′shən)
1. The setting or marking of boundaries or limits.
2. A separation; a distinction: a line of demarcation between two rock strata.

[Spanish demarcación, from demarcar, to mark boundaries : de-, off (from Latin dē-; see de-) + marcar, to mark (from Italian marcare, from Old Italian, of Germanic origin; see merg- in Indo-European roots).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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'President Moon has crossed the demarkation line,' a Japanese official told The Jakarta Post recently.
Khartoum, Mar.17 (SUNA) - The Sudan-South Sudan Commission on Demarkation of Joint Borders held its 8th meeting in Addis Ababa.
The overarching goal of his article is to caution that the intellectual preeminence of Jews, as the title introduces it, is precisely what will be undone by the success of the Zionist project, which "is always a project for withdrawal upon themselves, a scheme of national demarkation [sic] between Jew and gentile" (33).
Kuch (178) concludes, "[t]here is need to develop a sharper line of demarkation [sic] between religious activities and personal codes of conduct that lack spiritual import." (179) Second, the organizations that enjoy tax exemptions should focus their activity within the boundaries of the community and be prohibited from exporting their norms to the public sphere.
This rule does not depend on the particular form of a government or on the particular demarkation of the boundaries of its powers, but on the nature and objects of government itself.