deck bridge

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deck bridge

(Civil Engineering) civil engineering a bridge with an upper horizontal beam that carries the roadway. Compare through bridge
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Other proposals were put forward and rejected, but as the age of the railway arrived, a double deck bridge - with a road on one level and a rail deck with three tracks above was agreed to be the way forward.
The junction of Latifa bint Hamdan and Al Asayel Streets is upgraded from a surface signalised junction to a flyover comprising a first deck bridge of three lanes in each direction to serve the traffic movement on Latifa bint Hamdan Street, it stated.
The junction of Latifa bint Hamdan and Al Asayel Streets has upgraded from a surface signalised junction to a flyover comprising a first deck bridge of three lanes in each direction to serve the traffic movement on Latifa bint Hamdan Street.
Based on the results of the live load testing of that bridge and comparison with CIP concrete deck bridge and FEA, the authors conclude:
The old structure was demolished to make way for a 213 metre-long orthotropic deck bridge with four spans.
The water crossings were at three primary bridges: a 3,400-foot long bore at Niangua Bridge; 5,800 feet under Hurricane Deck Bridge; and a crossing of 3,700 feet at Community Bridge.
The defining characteristic of the orthotropic steel deck bridge is that its nearly all-steel superstructure has the potential to provide extended service life, standardized modular design, and rapid assembly compared to more conventional bridge construction.
(2007) reported a study on a stress-laminated deck bridge that was left with no maintenance for 15 years; nevertheless, after this period, the bridge was in good condition.
AE monitoring with strain correlation was applied to a 376-m long open deck bridge carrying two tangent tracks on separate spans located in central Canada.
The streamlined timber deck bridge is designed as a generous public space as well as a route, with the structure rising through the deck to create four 20 metre curving benches to sit and enjoy the panoramic views.
This will require either moving the A380 bridge upper deck bridge off the stand or ensuring that it will be possible to serve other aircraft with this bridge.