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tr.v. de·ci·phered, de·ci·pher·ing, de·ci·phers
1. To read or interpret (ambiguous, obscure, or illegible matter).
2. To convert from a code or cipher to plaintext; decode.

de·ci′pher·a·ble adj.
de·ci′pher·er n.
de·ci′pher·ment n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.deciphered - converted from cryptic to intelligible language
undeciphered - not deciphered; "Linear A is still undeciphered"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Champollion deciphered the wrinkled granite hieroglyphics.
The left hand stumbled slowly and painfully across the paper, and it was with extreme difficulty that we deciphered the scrawl.
He wrote many more, but, as has been said, these three verses were all that could be plainly and perfectly deciphered. In this way, and in sighing and calling on the fauns and satyrs of the woods and the nymphs of the streams, and Echo, moist and mournful, to answer, console, and hear him, as well as in looking for herbs to sustain him, he passed his time until Sancho's return; and had that been delayed three weeks, as it was three days, the Knight of the Rueful Countenance would have worn such an altered countenance that the mother that bore him would not have known him: and here it will be well to leave him, wrapped up in sighs and verses, to relate how Sancho Panza fared on his mission.
My eyesight, however, was then perhaps the soundest thing about me, and in a little I had deciphered enough to guess correctly (as it proved) at the whole: -
And when one considers the variety of hands, and of bad hands too, that are to be deciphered, it increases the wonder."
Of these hairs (as I had always a mechanical genius) I likewise made a neat little purse, about five feet long, with her majesty's name deciphered in gold letters, which I gave to Glumdalclitch, by the queen's consent.
The moot recommended that all mother languages should be given national status, Indus script should be deciphered, SLA should be authorised to monitor whether Sindhi was being taught in private schools or not.
I have to say that deciphering his handwriting could be challenging at times, but once deciphered, his letters always had a flair above and beyond all other letters -- whether it was a quick congratulatory letter to an individual celebrating a birthday or some other accomplishment, or a letter admonishing someone for their inept handling of a situation that Mayor Butler considered wrong.
The document is one of the last two of the roughly 900 Dead Sea Scrolls - also known as the Qumran Scrolls for the area in the West Bank where they were discovered - that had yet to be deciphered and published.
But when it does get deciphered, it would be the first time that humans will be privy to the thoughts and conversations of a different species.
Ali Demir, the chairman of the Student Selection and Replacement Center (OSYM), stood before the media to respond to the "deciphered university entrance exam booklet" claims.
Washington, July 1 (ANI): A computer successfully deciphered an ancient language Ugaritic in just a couple of hours.