damp-proof course

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Noun1.damp-proof course - a course of some impermeable material laid in the foundation walls of building near the ground to prevent dampness from rising into the building
row, course - (construction) a layer of masonry; "a course of bricks"
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And for a garden wall to be dry it will need a damp-proof course, like a house does, and coping stones with drip details to protect it from rain.
A You should have air bricks just above the damp-proof course - check the ground outside hasn't risen over the years and blocked them.
You ideally need to re-lay the floor with a damp-proof course, but the easiest solution is to simply lay porcelain tiles directly on the concrete as these are waterproof.
Can I insulate over the damp-proof course to the floor or do I leave a gap at the bottom of the wall so the damp-proof course remains exposed?
These drip down on to the ground and the splashback can soak the wall well above the damp-proof course. This splashback will eventually soak through to the inside face.
Do I need a damp-proof course? - Norma Howarth, Bolton, Lancs
If your home doesn't have a damp-proof course, or it's defective, you'll need a damp specialist to install one.
The damp-proof course consisted of three courses of blue brick.
If your home's damp-proof course is being prevented from doing its job properly, this can also cause damp.
This is unlike, say, the choice of the damp-proof course. In varying degrees materials are of necessity part of architectural thought'.
Faults in a damp-proof course may allow water to rise from the ground and soak the wall.
The last thing to check is the damp-proof course which is low down on the wall.