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[ˈdædɪˈlɒŋlegz] N (Brit) → típula f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˌdædɪˈlɒŋlɛgz] n pl invzanzarone m, tipula (Zool)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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"That one, for instance, like the limb of a daddy-long-legs. What does that mean?"
Then one day he meets a cranefly (daddy-long-legs) who is desperate to get to the lights and party because it is his last day.
According to experts, the weather this summer was perfect for the insects, also known as daddy-long-legs, to boom.
Patterns: Minkie, Sedgehog, Daddy-long-legs, Hot Tail Dawson's Olive.
The term daddy-long-legs is actually used to refer to three different animals - crane flies, harvestmen and cellar or vibrating spiders.
BIRMINGHAM is braced for an invasion of giant daddy-long-legs, with millions set to hatch in the autumn.
swyddogol arnyn nhw, er yn amlach na pheidio, maen nhw'n cael eu galw'n daddy-long-legs - am resymau cwbl amlwg wrth gwrs.
Wasps turn into sugar addicts, daddy-long-legs commit hara kiri, and biting insects bite like there's no tomorrow.
Watch the adult Cranefly (Daddy-long-legs) on your lawn in September and it will be pushing its abdomen into the body of your lawn to lay its eggs.
"Don't you think I'd make an admirable voter if I had my rights?" Judy asks in Daddy-Long-Legs. "This is an awfully wasteful country to throw away such an honest, educated, conscientious, intelligent citizen as I would be." Today, Webster remains an important voice in American literature.
Quiz of the Day ANSWERS: 1 Daddy-long-legs or crane flies; 2 Nelson; 3 Falcon; 4 They have webbed feet; 5 The Oxford Committee For Famine Relief; 6 The Picts; 7 Scrubbers; 8 The gerbil; 9 Slovenia; 10 Julio Iglesias.