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Noun1.cypre - large tropical American tree of the genus Cordia grown for its abundant creamy white flowers and valuable woodcypre - large tropical American tree of the genus Cordia grown for its abundant creamy white flowers and valuable wood
Cordia, genus Cordia - tropical deciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs of the family Boraginaceae
angiospermous tree, flowering tree - any tree having seeds and ovules contained in the ovary
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References in periodicals archive ?
Moreover, a number of recipes with a French looking title were never found in any of the French collections, e.g., Viaunde de Cypre (Diversa Cibaria), which suggests that the Anglo-Norman cooks developed their own recipes (see Hieatt & Butler 1985: 6).
For an introduction to Gregory's theology, see Jean-Claude Larchet, La vie el l'oeuvre theologique de Georges/Gregoire II de Cypre (1241-1290), patriarche de Constantinopol (Paris: Cerf, 2012); Christostomos Savvatos, "Il patriarca Gregorio II il Cipriota ed il problema del Filioque," Kleronomia, vol.