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cu·rate 1

1. A cleric, especially one who has charge of a parish.
2. A cleric who assists a rector or vicar.

[Middle English curat, from Medieval Latin cūrātus, from Late Latin cūra, spiritual charge, from Latin, care; see cure.]

cu·rate 2

1. To organize and oversee (an art exhibit or film festival, for example).
2. To gather and present to the public: a blog that curates news stories.

[Back-formation from curator.]

cu·ra′tion (kyo͝or-ā′shən) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Release date- 03092019 - Curation Foods Inc., a natural foods company focused on innovative, plant-based foods, and one of two operating businesses of Landec Corp.
While margin initiatives are underway in Landec Corporation (NASDAQ: LNDC)'s Curation Foods segment, the Lifecore Biomedical segment is poised to form secular tailwinds in the pharmaceutical industry, according to D.A.
A retrospective cohort of 1,112 patients with a lung cancer diagnosis who underwent tumor genotyping were divided into the curation set, with an additional 109 in the test subset.
The one-to-one mentoring programmes will cover: live sound and studio recording, event management, music curation and design, and social media and content creation, and will run during August, September and October.
The first action was closing and putting up for sale the Curation Foods offices in San Rafael, California and designating the Santa Maria offices as the new headquarters where Bolles will be located.
"Retail today is about engaging retail experiences and the curation of new and innovative brands to give our customers a real sense of discovery when they come to Harvey Nichols.
Davis, who created a curation analytics platform and is a product manager working on autonomous vehicles, describes the rise of the new curator class that is producing organized, human-powered recommendations on the internet.
The study discovered some significant factors including RDM and curation practices, the amount of research data produced, the support needed for data curation and their willingness to share it.
VonDohlen will oversee the company's data analytics operations and provide guidance on the curation, maintenance and management of new and existing data solutions.