court martial

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court martial

n, pl court martials or courts martial
(Military) a military court that tries persons subject to military law
vb, court-martial, -tials, -tialling or -tialled, -tials, -tialing or -tialed
(Military) (tr) to try (a person) by court martial
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

court martial

A military court appointed to try a person accused of an offense against military law, or a trial conducted by such a court.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited

court martial

[ˈkɔːtˈmɑːʃl] n (court martials or courts martial (pl)) → corte f marziale
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
If you refused to go into the militia, or to obey after you were in, you would be tried by drumhead court martial and shot down like dogs.
"That they can shoot us by drumhead court martial if we refuse?"
"'Section Seven, that any officer or enlisted man'--remember Section One, gentlemen, you are all enlisted men--"that any enlisted man of the militia who shall refuse or neglect to present himself to such mustering officer upon being called forth as herein prescribed, shall be subject to trial by court martial, and shall be punished as such court martial shall direct.'
The Militia of the Equilaterals was at once called out; and every Triangle suspected of Irregularity on reasonable grounds, was destroyed by Court Martial, without the formality of exact measurement by the Social Board.
After hearing, in a mist through which Mr Inspector loomed vague and large, that the officer took upon himself to prepare the dead man's daughter for what had befallen in the night, and generally that he took everything upon himself, Mortimer Lightwood stumbled in his sleep to a cab-stand, called a cab, and had entered the army and committed a capital military offence and been tried by court martial and found guilty and had arranged his affairs and been marched out to be shot, before the door banged.
He added: "This is the first time that I have spoken up for one of my soldiers at a court martial. He was in dire financial straits and he needed the money to feed his wife and children."
ISLAMABAD, July 20, 2011 (Frontier Star): Court martial proceedings have not been initiated against Brig Ali Khan arrested under the charges of having alleged links with proscribed outfit Hizb ul Tehrir despite lapse of 17 days after his arrest.
Colombo, March 29 -- When the Writ petition of former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka challenging the order of the 1st Court Martial came up yesterday (28), Deputy Solicitor General moved for time to make observation to refute new document submitted on behalf of Petitioner Fonseka.
Summary: Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Aug 23 (ANI): Three senior officers of the Indian Navy were on Friday recommended for punishment by a court martial for "negligence" in connection with the accident of frontline warship INS Betwa.
The sentence, passed after the officer was tried by a field general court martial, was confirmed by Chief of the Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa.
Sarham said the General Court Martial was convened in compliance to Section 131 of the Armed Forces Act guiding the professional conduct of the nation's military.
'The army chief has ordered a field general court martial which is under process.'