

relating to all polities
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Europe is very dynamic and cosmopolitical, the borders between countries are only a matter of formality, people constantly travel, move and communicate all around.
Scholars of literature and social scientists reflect on how cosmopolitical thinking can be, and perhaps needs to be, made new for the contemporary global ecumene.
The vision of a liberal cosmopolitical order will be highly relevant not only for political but also for educational and organizational strategies of the future.
(42) They remind us that hospitality as a "cosmopolitical right" (43) to be granted by nation-states and guaranteed by international law is just as gendered as its material manifestations in ordinary relations.
In an early 2004 publication, Lamy argued that a new strategy was needed for "harnessing globalization" because "Cancun was not just an accidental collision" and Europe had become part of a "cosmopolitical world" (Lamy, 2004: 19-20).
(2005) Urban wild things: A cosmopolitical experiment.
'Given culture: Rethinking cosmopolitical freedom in transnationalism', in: Pheng Cheah and Bruce Robbins (eds), Cosmopolitics: Thinking and feeling beyond the nation, pp.
Ljupco Gasteovski comments in Nova Makedonija that rodents are cosmopolitical primates spread all over the world.
3 (2008): 597-621; Kristoffer Liden, "Building Peace between Global and Local Politics: The Cosmopolitical Ethics of Liberal Peacebuilding," International Peacekeeping 16, no.