cordless telephone

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cordless telephone

A portable telephone that uses radio waves, rather than a wire, to communicate with a base station that is connected to a standard landline.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

cordless telephone

(Telecommunications) a portable battery-powered telephone with a short-range radio link to a fixed base unit
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
poste téléphonique sans cordon
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The use of a bio-sourced polymer for the shell aligns with the phone's eco credentials, and NatureWorks projects that for 30,000 cordless telephones, the savings which result from replacing conventional oil based material with Ingeo bioplasticare equivalent to 36 barrels of oil, a full month of electrical energy for 108 European citizens or driving the average car 75,000 km.
The items are a Mira Voice answering machine with a cordless telephone (made by Abest Communications in Taiwan and sold by ITM Technology), a VIP 2500 modem (made and sold by Controlware GmbH in Germany) and a DVS 30 portable telephone (made by Jesmay Electronics in China and sold by Hartig & Helling.
Her primary symptom was aural fullness on the right that she thought had been brought on by her use of a cordless telephone and/or the clanging of dishes and silverware.
Ascom Danmark A/S has won a contract for a cordless telephone system from the Copenhagen county, Denmark.
Netherlands contractor Philips Semiconductors has launched a new range of Sigma-Delta Fractional-N RF synthesiser devices that are aimed at high bandwidth, digital radio applications such as cellular telephones, cordless telephone handsets, pagers and cellular base stations.
Arkon Networks, Inc., Chicago, a newly formed provider of wired and wireless consumer-centric networking solutions, has introduced their Parafone(TM) Cordless Telephone Springboard(TM) module for the Handspring(TM) Visor(TM) handheld computer.
The InternetPhoneWizard is a hardware device that is connected between the user's standard or cordless telephone and PC.
Available as either an internal PCI card or external USB peripheral, the InternetPhoneWizard is connected between the user's standard or cordless telephone and PC, allowing long distance calls to be made over the Internet.
From the overall shape of the office building to the shape of meeting tables to the use of the cordless telephone - every detail of the physical and technological environment of work is changing too.
The first cordless telephone, capable of operating up to 600 feet from base, was introduced to the UK on April 14, 1983.
Specifically, competence and confidentiality issues can arise from communicating with clients by cordless telephone, cellular telephone, computer e-mail, and the World Wide Web.
The most essential items sought by home-business owner--after their PCs--are a fax machine, desktop copier, answering machine and cordless telephone. While many products are standard, marketers are constantly coming up with innovative features to attract new business.