control freakery

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control freakery

(Psychology) an obsessive need to be in control of what is happening
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About the only sensible idea David Cameron had was to end the 'control freakery' of advisers, but, typically, the numbers employed by his government soared.
Tennis fan Sally Jones, 64, described the move as "silly control freakery".
"Dangerous control freakery" Education Secretary Damian Hinds denounces Labour's plans for a common rulebook for all schools.
"Dangerous control freakery" - Education Secretary Damian Hinds denounces Labour's plans for a common rulebook for all schools.
In a kind of control freakery experiment, they eschew randomness and spend seven years deciding every element of their future lives.
His control freakery is thankfully beginning to backfire.
"On the negative side it is also associated with fatalism, a tendency to disproportionate responses when loyalty is betrayed and a general sense of 'control freakery' that can, in extreme cases, emerge as very authoritarian or possibly priggish.
@grahnat: Control freakery from a council scared of its own shadow.
Lib Dem local services spokesman Coun Jerry Evans added: "This is control freakery at its worst and a slap in the face for district councillors who want to hold their district meetings in local venues."
From those sinewy arms to her control freakery behaviour and penchant for dressing like her teenage daughter she's sometimes seemed, well, frankly a bit odd.
IN many ways New Labour's obsessive control freakery has handed the initiative to the Conservatives.
News of the extra places, which will come into force from September, came as Dr Mary Bousted, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, used the last day of the union's annual conference in Liverpool last week to claim "control freakery" was taking over the profession.