continuous spectrum

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continuous spectrum

A spectrum appearing uninterrupted by lines or bands across a range of wavelengths.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

continuous spectrum

(General Physics) a spectrum that contains or appears to contain all wavelengths but not spectrum lines over a wide portion of its range. The emission spectrum of incandescent solids is continuous; bremsstrahlung spectra consisting of a large number of lines may appear continuous
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Another way of finding the continuous spectrum of the operator [L.sub.0] is given in [1].
In order to account for the slight degree of frequency-dependent polarization in the continuous spectrum towards the solar limb, it is more prudent to postulate that the body of the Sun emits unpolarized light.
HALOGEN LAMP SPECTRUM HAZARDS: Halogen lamp produces a continuous spectrum of light, from near ultraviolet to deep into the infrared.
The better LED fixtures have good CRI numbers but also produce a continuous spectrum of light.
Syuy shows that on the transition point from the line spectrum to a continuous spectrum, it is possible to control the position of the crystal optical axis in the optical system.
Described in the nineteenth century by the French astronomers Charles Wolf and Georges Rayet, WR stars are characterised by broad emission bands on an otherwise continuous spectrum. They are evolved, highly luminous, massive stars which are losing mass rapidly by means of very strong stellar winds.
The method relies on analytical properties--high energy decay and low energy asymptotics--of the resolvent, and the limiting absorption principle--a smoothness of the resolvent in the continuous spectrum. This is the first textbook to present the Agmon, Jensen, and Kato results.
In reality, a rainbow is one continuous spectrum, so we can see lots of colours in between the traditional seven.
LTE carrier aggregation is an important technology that combines multiple radio channels within and across bands to increase user data rates, reduce latency and enable Category 4 capabilities for operators without 20 MHz of continuous spectrum. The MDM9225 and MDM9625 chipsets are the only mobile broadband chipsets currently supporting carrier aggregation that allow OEMs to build devices that can take full advantage of LTE Advanced networks.
Finally, LEP delivers a continuous spectrum ensuring high color quality; systems are available today at 75, 80 and 95 CRI.
If the snoring persist there may be other treatments that can help, including anti-snoring devices and as a last resort, surgery may be an option However because snoring and OSA are part of a continuous spectrum it is very important to ensure that you don't suffer from OSA.
Equating (3) and (5) at x = 0, one obtains the coupling formulas between the amplitudes of the field expansions in all space (continuous spectrum) and on the slot (discrete spectrum):

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