contingent upon

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Related to contingent upon: conferred, ameliorating, contingent on
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.contingent upon - determined by conditions or circumstances that follow; "arms sales contingent on the approval of congress"
conditional - imposing or depending on or containing a condition; "conditional acceptance of the terms"; "lent conditional support"; "the conditional sale will not be complete until the full purchase price is paid"
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References in classic literature ?
But a more genuine feeling of relief was experienced by Devil's Ford when it was rumored that Fairfax Munroe had asked for the hand of Jessie Carr, and that some promise contingent upon the equitable adjustment of the affairs of the mine had been given by Mr.
This phase of the many possibilities which he had realized might be contingent upon even the partial success of his work alone had escaped his consideration, so that the first wave of triumphant exultation with which he had viewed the finished result of this last experiment had been succeeded by overwhelming consternation as he saw the thing which he had created gasp once or twice with the feeble spark of life with which he had endowed it, and expire--leaving upon his hands the corpse of what was, to all intent and purpose, a human being, albeit a most grotesque and misshapen thing.
Chairman JCSC also said that Pakistan's security situation is a complex function of internal and external factors and that peace in South Asia is contingent upon maintenance of strategic stability in the region
Regional peace is contingent upon maintenance of strategic stability in South Asia.
ISLAMABAD -- Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), General Zubair Mahmood Hayat on Thursday said that regional peace was contingent upon maintenance of strategic stability in South Asia.
However, the public offering of Class A common stock is not contingent upon the consummation of the concurrent new notes offering and the concurrent new notes offering is not contingent upon the consummation of the public offering of Class A common stock.
The ADS Offering is not contingent upon the closing of the Note Private Placement, and the Note Private Placement is not contingent upon the closing of ADS Offering.
A delay means Maryland falls further behind other states who were quick to legalize sports betting contingent upon a ruling by the U.S.
The assignment of final ratings is contingent upon the completion of the leveraged buyout of ANSC by The Carlyle Group and GIC with terms and conditions being in line with our current assumptions.
According to the results of the second wave of State Bank of Pakistan's System Risk Survey, the banking sectors' profitability would be contingent upon interest rate dynamics, banks' investment strategy, movement in foreign exchange, capital markets and demand for advances.
For example, a buyer signs a purchase offer that says, "I'll give you a million dollars for your house, contingent upon X."
The assignment of final ratings is contingent upon receipt of final documents conforming to information already received by Fitch.