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Related to conservatrix: conservator


n, pl conservatrices
a woman who conserves or keeps safe; custodian
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39-40), like many others, chose Stahl's metaphors, vis conservatrix natum ("sustaining force of nature") and vis medicatrix natum ("healing force of nature") to identify:
2015), promoting natural self-regulation (vis conservatrix natum), strengthening the 'will to health' (Nietzsche's 'Wille zur Gesundheit') and, overall, ego-strengthening (see Yeates, 2014a).
Before the printed book, Memory ruled daily life and the occult learning, and fully deserved the name later applied to printing, the "art preservative of all arts" (Ars artium omnium conservatrix).
(2003), basados en las secuencias genomicas de las diferentes variantes y empleando la combinacion de los algoritmos Conservatrix y EpiMatrix, seleccionaron epitopos altamente conservados del virus y reconocidos por el MHC de clase I y II, para evaluar su inclusion en una vacuna.
A common funerary eulogium for good wives is univira conservatrix, which also presupposes the ideal of "undeflected commitment" to one man; see Stehle 1989, 148; Pearce 1974; and cf.
After the EpiMatrix analysis, the Conservatrix tool (EpiVax, Providence, RI) was used to align and compare the WN virus sequences with those of other related flaviviruses (21).
While Lowe is careful not to oversimplify his thesis, or to focus too narrowly on a single line of argument, his aim is to illustrate the process by which early medieval conceptions of peace as the (temporary) absence of conflict might expand into such a mid-Tudor paean to Peace as that attributed to Stephen Gardiner: "the daughter of God, nurse of nature, conservatrix of the human race, sower of virtue and mother of abundance" (p.
It concentrated on engaging and activating all of a subject's natural curative mechanisms; and, in doing so, it was just as concerned with removing stasis, congestion, and other real and metaphorical impediments to the natural healing processes (vis conservatrix nature), as it was to motivating the transforming and natural self-healing processes themselves (vis medicatrix nature).
(i) the vis conservatrix natum and vis medicatrix natum operate at their optimum level and promote positive long-term robust health (rather than a dysfunction-free state);
So, rather than (micro-level) individualised disease-banishing, he set about working (meta-level) to generate harmonious mental processes, and to arouse, motivate, and liberate underperforming, dormant, or latent aspects of the vis conservatrix natum, 'sustaining force of nature', and the vis medicatrix natum, 'healing force of nature', in all of his patients.