conjugal family

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Related to conjugal family: Consanguineal family
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Noun1.conjugal family - a family consisting of parents and their children and grandparents of a marital partner
family, household, menage, home, house - a social unit living together; "he moved his family to Virginia"; "It was a good Christian household"; "I waited until the whole house was asleep"; "the teacher asked how many people made up his home"
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A nuclear or conjugal family consists of two married parents as opposed to a single parent.
This newly created conjugal family offers an alternative to the original family for Elizabeth.
Working from Roman funerary texts, Saller and Shaw could show the clear prevalence of the nuclear family, but they emphasised elements of conjugal family units in composite texts, which Huebner would rather count as evidence of extended or multiple family households.
This resulted in a horizontal social structure that privileged the value of the conjugal family and increased the importance of the London guild system as members worked to circulate their wealth among themselves by fostering internal remarriages.
Thematically, Mapping the Margins offers twelve essays that consider the normative, conjugal family (of homemakers and wives and breadwinners and husbands, along with their dependant children), as a marginalizing force, a powerful model that often served to define those living outside of it.
This study is the follow up of an earlier study of laws governing relations in the conjugal family and their impact on the situation of women in West Africa.
Based on experiences of Western Europe and North America, the Goode model predicts that there will be a worldwide convergence from the "traditional" family system toward a westernized conjugal family system as non-Western and agrarian societies become increasingly industrialized, urbanized and commodified.
His modernization approach maintains that in the "world revolution" of industrialization and urbanization, traditional family forms are converging to the conjugal family system.
Table 1: Pearson Correlation Coefficients for Pooled Sample Gender Race Security Marital Gender 1.000 Race -.044 1.000 Security .156 .132(*) 1.000 Marital .257(**) .195(**) -.058 1.000 Conjugal .458(**) .107 .045 .599(**) Family .308(**) .105 .030 .573(**) SexBeh -.325(**) -.091 -.049 -.140 Violence .128(*) -.055 -.020 -.132 Conjugal Family SexBeh Violence Gender Race Security Marital Conjugal 1.000 Family .634(**) 1.000 SexBeh -.147(*) -.090 1.000 Violence .122 .004 .351(**) 1.000