conductive education

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conductive education

(Education) an educational system, developed in Hungary by András Petö, in which teachers (conductors) teach children and adults with motor disorders to function independently, by guiding them to attain their own goals in their own way
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Her daughter Emily, now 22, was one of the first children to benefit from conductive education classes at Stick 'n' Step.
STAFF and children at the Steps Centre for Conductive Education wore blue clothing to raise awareness for Conductive Education week.
He is a trustee of the Birmingham-based National Institute for Conductive Education and is a trustee of the Royal Ballet and Premier Christian Media.
Also running were Julian Rees and Hayden Waite, whose nine-year-old daughter Heidi attends Stick 'n' Step conductive education sessions.
The new Parkinson's Conductive Education classes will run weekly from September at Billingham Forum.
We also reported on a Lottery bid for special school - by Margaret O'Reilly IT WILL take an Olympic effort to turn an architect's drawing into the first permanent school for conductive education in Wales.
The charity provides therapy and free conductive education to children with cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities.
HERE at the National Institute of Conductive Education we have fundraised to acquire a brand new Apple Mac, which we duly received and is now installed.
Through its Parent Curriculum, Standing Tall provides monthly programming for parents, family members, and caregivers to help them utilize communication, daily living skills and Conductive Education with their child at home.
"In the summer of 2009, we took Isabella along to the Paces School for Conductive Education, in Sheffield.
It really was extremely generous of him and it will fetch a lot of money on the night, which will help us continue offering free conductive education to children across the North East."