concession road

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concession road

(Civil Engineering) Canadian (esp in Ontario) one of a series of roads separating concessions in a township
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"We're still referred to as the people on the concession road with that funny house," says Mary with a laugh.
* Thieves broke into a detached garage on Second Concession Road some time between 6:30 a.m.
McCaugherty was jailed last October along with Dermot Declan Gregory, 42, of Concession Road, Crossmaglen, who received a four-year jail term after being found guilty of making a Portuguese property available for the purpose of terrorism.
* Approval was granted for Minor Exception 14-1 from Michael and Ashley Goor, owners of lands on the Seventh Concession Road, Burford township, to remove about 150 trees from the lands.
That was supplied by Gregory, a mechanic, from Concession Road, Crossmaglen, Co Armagh, who was rumoured to have been an MI5 agent.
* Second Concession Road between Falkland Road and 300 metres west of Falkland Road--from 80 to 50 kilometres per hour.
Gregory, 41, from Concession Road in Crossmaglen, denies two charges making property available to terrorists.
* Thieves broke into a barn on Fifth Concession Road near Lawrence Road some time between 10 p.m.
* A request was submitted to reduce the speed limit on Bishopsgate Road between Eighth Concession Road and Ninth Concession Road in an area of residential development.