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Related to compander: Compandor


(Broadcasting) a system for improving the signal-to-noise ratio of a signal at a transmitter or recorder by first compressing the volume range of the signal and then restoring it to its original amplitude level at the receiving or reproducing apparatus
[C20: from com(pressor) + (ex)pander]
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Then, for each frame, the mean value of the input signal samples, [[bar.x].sup.(j).sub.m], is estimated and quantized by the compander defined with the f compression law (Encoder 1 and Decoder 1).
As mentioned, the difference signal frame, [d.sup.(j).sub.i], is quantized with the application of the forward adaptive optimal compander. The forward adaptive quantization can be performed in two phases [17].
In Section 3, we develop general design criteria for the compander design, based on which we propose a new companding scheme in Section 4.
fN = [M.sup.*] f[(N -1).sup.^]2/f(N - 2) [rightarrow] M is a true interval compander
Combined with the wideband compander and other elements, the resulting system has a wide range of independent-gain/spectral-tilt combinations, and can therefore deal with the broadest range of signal/noise spectral combinations, without overload or overmodulation.
The idea of proposed adaptive companding scheme is based on the premise that by introducing input data dependencies in compander parameter evaluation or selection, the deviation of output signal characteristics from design specifications can be reduced, so that the compander performance would be closer to optimal; instead of over-performing or under-performing, it will be able to perform as required.
Buell said it had been field-tested earlier in one- to three-picture sports and political campaign stories, at which time, he added, Compander problems were remedied.
The AP-Leaf system now takes compressed digital images directly from a Compander or Leafax IIIa (E&P, June 18) into a Leafserver, the workstation offers dodge and burn capability, picture locking and the history and editing status of a given photo, and the AP-Leaf Picture Desk Calibrator affords monitor, network and output color measure consistency (E&P, May 11, P.
Scheduled for release in early fall, the Leafax IIId will use the DIT 3.0 transmission protocol, JPEG-compatible image compression on a chip from C-Cube (in place of a Compander for the analog model) and a built-in spooler capable of holding 150 to 200 compressed images (in place of the analog model's add-on Leafspooler).
Out of this year's 53 interns who joined RasGas' summer programme, eight vied for the title "RasGas Star." Al-Mana won the prize at presenting a user guide to significantly increase the efficiency of companders used in the LNG industry.
The contract, won in partnership with Hamworthy Gas Systems, covers next-generation systems for the reliquefaction of LNG on board seven vessels under construction, including 14 nitrogen Atlas Copco companders and 14 boil-off-gas compressors.
The order covers 10 nitrogen companders and 10 boil-off-gas compressors for installation on LNG tankers.

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