communication disorder

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communication disorder

Any of various disorders, such as stuttering, characterized by impaired written or verbal expression or understanding.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Therefore, some variability in decision-making could be expected when judgments must be made about an issue such as the IDEA statements regarding the impact of the communication disorder on educational performance.
As part of the team of specialists who work with a family throughout the phases of diagnosis and intervention, speech-language pathologists (SLPs) need to understand the impact on the family of a sense of loss that may accompany a communication disorder diagnosis and how best to assist with coping strategies (Stone, 1992).
No such mutation appeared in unaffected family members or in 182 unrelated adults with no communication disorders.
For students with a communication disorder, there are numerous needs that could warrant this type of student support.
These foregoing authors describe the challenges of assisting adults with this unique communication disorder on a daily interactive basis.
Handbook of Communication Disorders: Theoretical, Empirical, and Applied Linguistic Perspectives
'I say this because I have a grandson who has a communication disorder but I have discovered that a lot of us also suffer from communication disorder, especially the professors because we talk in jargon and nobody understands us.
There is growing evidence that there are similarities and differences between the types and percentages of communication disorders seen by specialists in different countries around the world over the patients' life spans.
Results: Public awareness and knowledge of speech -language pathology in Amman-Jordan appear to be limited .Participants with the most accurate knowledge of speech-language pathology and communication disorders, mostly females with children, had bachelor degree in health- or education-related fields.
To study the cognitive profile of children with a suggestive communication disorder (LD and speech sound disorder) at the age of 4.5 years.
Authorities and community leaders have been urged to prioritise the need to develop child language and continue to pay deserving attention to language disabilities and general communication disorder for a proper child upbringing, a professor of Linguistics in Child Language and Communication Disorder at the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Shirley Yul-Ifode, has advised.
Well-known for his work as a presenter on CBeebies, Chris will host the performance, which is specifically designed to welcome people with an autistic spectrum condition, learning disability or sensory and communication disorder into the theatre.

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