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(ˈkɒmɪs; ˈkɒmɪ)
n, pl -mis
an agent or deputy
(Professions) (of a waiter or chef) apprentice
[C16 (meaning: deputy): from French, from commettre to employ, commit]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Landau, do you see, was a commis in a shop in Paris, and he went to a doctor's; and in the doctor's waiting room he fell asleep, and in his sleep he began giving advice to all the patients.
Mais, 73 ans apres cette funeste journee, la France officielle rechigne toujours a reconnaitre les crimes commis en son nom.
Junior sous chef Kamru Zzamon, first commis Mary Rose Perez and junior sous commis Chaminda Roshan came together from under different kitchens under the hotel's 18 F&B outlets led by executive chef Ramon Salto Alvarez, and trained for several months for the challenge.
Damien added the small team, which comprises him, business partner Andrew ir restaurants and commis chef Roisin, do their best to "keep you entertained".
A FAMILY-run Stokesley bistro has employed Jordan Hinchcliffe as commis chef after he successfully completed his apprenticeship.
ZOE Turnecliff, apprentice commis chef - pastry at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Birmingham, has been named as the Hospitality Advanced Apprentice Award 2015 winner.
Andrew's commis chef for the competition was his Michelin star head chef Will Holland, who shared in the celebration.
After arriving in Lyon, Team UK found themselves with a broken blender, leading Kristian Curtis, sous chef at The Cross and award-winning commis at the last Bocuse, to travel to Lyon with a replacement.
"That was the architect's idea James Syhabout points toward the ceiling of his minimalist, 31-seat Commis on Oakland's Piedmont Avenue.