combatant command

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Related to combatant command: CoCom

combatant command

A unified or specified command with a broad continuing mission under a single commander established and so designated by the President, through the Secretary of Defense and with the advice and assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Combatant commands typically have geographic or functional responsibilities. See also specified command; unified command.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
US Department of Defense (DOD) has announced it has established the US Space Command as the 11th unified combatant command, the department said.
Space Command as the 11th unified combatant command, with Raymond as its congressionally confirmed commander.
The defunct United States Space Command (USSPACECOM) was reactivated as a unified combatant command (UCC) of the Department of Defense (DoD) in ceremonies presided over by President Donald Trump at the White House on Thursday.
WASHINGTON, Aug 21 (KUNA) -- US Vice President Mike Pence announced Tuesday that the "new unified combatant command," known as the US Space Command, will launch next week.
[USA], Dec 19 (ANI): US President Donald Trump has signed a memo to establish a US Space Command as a unified combatant command.
Staff Sergeant JG Miller (BM/PC 2002) was invited to compose the US Cyber Command March, which was premiered by The United States Army Field Band at the National Security Agency on May 4th, 2018 in recognition of the elevation of the US Cyber Command to become the Department of Defense's newest Unified Combatant Command. The presiding official was Deputy Secretary of Defense The Honorable Patrick Shanahan.
At the strategic level, space capabilities influence national economic and defense policy including investment banking and combatant command theater strategies.
These courses will have a cascading positive effect on forces as graduates plan, prepare, and execute OCS within the combatant command operational areas.
For example, we can see in some areas how the pendulum between service equities and jointness may have swung too far, as in not involving the service chiefs enough in acquisition decision-making and accountability; or where subsequent world events suggest nudging the pendulum further, as in taking more steps to strengthen the capability of the Chairman and the Joint Chiefs to support force management, planning, and execution across the combatant commands, particularly in the face of threats that cut across regional and functional combatant command areas of responsibility, as many increasingly do.
The classic answer to this question is, "It depends." Planning factors include the phase of the campaign, the JFACC's objectives that support the overall mission priorities of the joint force command, and the combatant command's available cyber forces.
DEFENCE Secretary Ash Carter says President Barack Obama will nominate the first woman to head a major US military combatant command.

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