color charge

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Related to color charge: quantum chromodynamics, Leptons

color charge

An intrinsic property of quarks and gluons that determines their strong force interactions with each other.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
In the QCD, the scholars assume that a species of "charge" is capable of producing the strong-nuclear field and possesses "three colors." And it is called the color charge, which is similar to the electric charge in the electromagnetic fields.
Both families feature a wide variety of sizes and six different standard colors to choose from, enabling customers to order relatively small quantities without a custom color charge.
Although quarks also carry color charge, hadrons must have zero total color charge because of a phenomenon called color confinement.
These exchanges bind quarks together by changing a quark property known as color charge. This charge comes in three different forms, whimsically referred to as red, green and blue.
* an imaging device that includes a color charge coupled device (CCD) video camera, a black and white CCD video camera, excitation/barrier filters, and various radiant energy sources (tungsten, halogen, and fluorescent lamps; Foster+Freeman).
Question whether an ad will really be lost without color availability (are alternate dates for a color ad available?) and if the color charge covers excess newsprint used when press limitations force a larger product.
Color charge is a fundamental property of quarks, which has analogies with the notion of electric charge of particles.
In this paper, we suggest that the nature has four fundamental elements, which are: mass M, radiation y, electric charge Q, and color charge C.
A quark has not only the electric charge but also the color charge [17, 18].
The common quark chemical potential is denoted as [??] (for simplicity we assume a common chemical potential for all quarks; in an actual neutron star containing some fraction of charge neutral 2SC or 2SC+s quark matter in [beta]-equilibrium, additional chemical potentials for electric charge and color charges must be introduced in the NJL model; furthermore, there can be more than one diquark condensate and in general [M.sub.u] [not equal to] [M.sub.d] [not equal to] [M.sub.s][9]) and [??] = diag([m.sub.u], [m.sub.d]) is the current quark mass matrix in the flavor basis.
As noted at the start of this piece, however this can be a frustratingly slow process, and overriding long-held impressions is not easy (I still run into authors who complain about color charges even though those were eliminated three years ago).
Independent filmmakers will find it covers all aspects of budgeting for a production, covering everything from running times, digital conform and color charges, cross-comparisons of rates for editing, music, and other specialty items, and including sample budgets for specific projects.