collection management

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collection management

In intelligence usage, the process of converting intelligence requirements into collection requirements, establishing priorities, tasking or coordinating with appropriate collection sources or agencies, monitoring results, and retasking, as required. See also collection; collection requirement; collection requirements management; intelligence; intelligence process.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
While staffing always seemed short, the joint nature of the combined collection management section was a strength.
Airborne collection management is split into two different categories: collection requirements management (CRM) and collection operations management (COM).
To understand what information collection management encompasses, a few definitions, according to 5 CFR 1320.3, Controlling Paperwork Burdens on the Public, are provided below.
However, its reach will go beyond initial collection analysis and development to include collection management of print and digital resources once a facility has been established.
The process of collection management has become very challenging and complex.
Ms Triarico has extensive museum management experience with emphasis on management of major projects, collection management, strategic planning, marketing; interpretation and exhibition development.
Digital images have a number of advantages from a collection management point of view--they do not, for instance, needer use.
Walker Library Collection Management Department to provide policies and procedural guidelines for the cataloging and processing of bibliographic materials.
Goldsmith does a fine, succinct job of discussing challenges of collection management and offering solutions.

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