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 (kō-ŏpt′, kō′ŏpt′)
tr.v. co-opt·ed, co-opt·ing, co-opts
1. To elect as a fellow member of a group.
2. To appoint summarily.
3. To take or assume for one's own use; appropriate: co-opted the criticism by embracing it.
4. To neutralize or win over (an independent minority, for example) through assimilation into an established group or culture: co-opt rebels by giving them positions of authority.

[Latin cooptāre : co-, co- + optāre, to choose.]

co′-op·ta′tion n.
co-op′ta·tive (-tə-tĭv) adj.
co-op′tion n.
co-op′tive adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - the selection of a new member (usually by a vote of the existing membership)
election - the act of selecting someone or something; the exercise of deliberate choice; "her election of medicine as a profession" - the act of appointing summarily (with or without the appointee's consent)
appointment, designation, naming, assignment - the act of putting a person into a non-elective position; "the appointment had to be approved by the whole committee"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
If the Palestinian Arab community was, in fact, weak (traditional, tribal, vulnerable to co-optation and intimidation or corrupt), as the above authors suggest, then we would have seen greater success in the Israeli state policy of divide and rule, and in the intended alienation and division of Arab Palestinian citizens.
Important concepts, such as class consciousness, class in itself, class for itself, corporatism, and co-optation are either not acknowledged or are not defined with the precision that is required.
In a country where class, co-optation, and corruption dominate electoral politics, the isthmus has been something of an anomaly--though not totally immune to these pitfalls.
Rather than challenge sectarian efforts at co-optation head-on, many of the assemblies and unemployed unions turned inward and declared themselves "autonomous." While the parties' plans verged on scripture, some autonomists turned not having a plan into its own religion: So wary were they of co-optation any proposal to move from protest to policy was immediately suspect.
The co-optation of education by government, with its irresponsible doctrine of church-state separation, is the chief means by which the intellectual errors bedeviling education are held in place.
In Zahedi's words, "without the cohering presence of Khomeini and the indispensable coordination mechanism provided by the mosques, Iran's hodgepodge and contradictory opposition could have been divided through co-optation, succumbed to repression, or disintegrated due to personal and ideological cleavages and rivalries" (134).
Feminism's co-optation by the academy, then, is a timely topic for all of us who are trying to change teaching styles and learning outcomes in that conservative environment.
Co-optation is further encouraged by the practice of co-funding.
But Brenner also acknowledges that organization by working-class women is liable to co-optation by "social welfare" feminism's more familiar vision, "a workplace attuned to family needs, a benevolent and expanded welfare state, and a democratized nuclear family." How can this co-optation be avoided?