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Related to cleptocracy: runagate, kleptocrat


n, pl -cies
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a variant spelling of kleptocracy
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In large part, it is this unconditional support given to the ruling criminal cleptocracy in Kosovo, that allows them to commit such crimes with impunity.
They unified the BiH people who despair about a small but powerful and toxic cleptocracy that rules their lives.
It hurts no one." Thank God, Lithuania is an EU member--otherwise, with such a political elite it would flow belly-up into some mixture of Iranian-style theocracy, and cleptocracy of the failed state of Russia.
Neither government was, however, successful: Poland's Democratic Left discredited itself while in power for acting as a cleptocracy and involving itself in a series of affairs and scandals; Hungary's communist successor government under Ferenc Gyurcsany's Socialist Party was blemished by controversy as well.
Other plays are: Election Fever, Echoes of the Past, Victim of Love, Cleptocracy versus Democracy, In search of White Lilly, The Corruptibles, and The UN Mission.
Colonialism, corruption, the IMF, and the current Nigerian cleptocracy apparently play a secondary role in comparison with the criminality of these "feminist" villains.
A predacious state or cleptocracy, as it is commonly known, represents an extreme case of political corruption and maladministration.