civil affairs

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civil affairs

Designated Active and Reserve component forces and units organized, trained, and equipped specifically to conduct civil affairs activities and to support civil-military operations. Also called CA. See also civil affairs activities; civil-military operations.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in classic literature ?
But yet there is not any thing amongst civil affairs more subject to error, than the right valuation and true judgment concerning the power and forces of an estate.
"You must know that in France they are very particular on these points; it is not sufficient, as in Italy, to go to the priest and say, `We love each other, and want you to marry us.' Marriage is a civil affair in France, and in order to marry in an orthodox manner you must have papers which undeniably establish your identity."
The source said that those who have any queries on the matter can communicate with the competent authorities of the General Directorate of Passports and the Ministry of Interior's Agency of Civil Affairs on their accounts dedicated to it on Twitter, through the following links: ( for Passports and ( for Civil Affairs, and on Passports telephone number (992) and Civil Affairs telephone number (920022133).
The civil affairs department added that the fee is NT$1,000 (about US$30) for each participant.
'Regarding the information that surfaced in media outlets on the signing of the Agreement on joint activities of Republika Srpska and Serbia in the area of ??quality assurance and recognition of accreditation in higher education, signed by Minister of Education, Science and Technology Development of Serbia and Minister of Science and Technology Development, Higher Education and Information of Republika Srpska, I want to notify the public that the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina has not been consulted or acquainted with the content of the said agreement in any way, nor with the procedure for its conclusion.
Last week, the Civil Affairs Department in Hainan posted on its official website a list of 84 names of hotels, neighborhoods, cinemas, roads and bridges in 10 cities, three counties and one economic development zone.
of civil affairs activities directly support this perspective and the
Kim went further to claim the civil affairs office investigated private citizens illegally.
Abbas called on Civil Affairs head, Hussein al-Sheikh, to immediately get in contact with the Israeli authorities to get a permit for Noufal to leave Gaza and travel to Ramallah for medical treatment.
After four years, the Civil Affairs and its branches all over Saudi Arabia have resumed receiving requests from foreign wives and widows of Saudi men for nationality, according to a story in Saudi Gazette.
Psychological operations and, to a lesser degree, civil affairs share a common lineage with special forces.

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