chest cold

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Related to chest cold: bronchitis, Chest Congestion

chest cold

n to catch a chest coldprendere una bronchite
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
class="MsoNormalThis is also true for most cases of sinusitis, for acute bronchitis (a chest cold), and for most sore throats.
Here are interesting information about common cold including a particularly kind of colds known as chest cold, which is more commonly known as acute bronchitis:
(5,6) As primary care physicians, we are in an ideal position to constrain unnecessary testing and treatments by establishing trusting relationships with patients, who will believe us when we tell them they don't need an antibiotic for their chest cold or an MRI for their back pain.
"Basically, Heath was complaining about not being able to sleep, because he was busy, he was meeting Steven Spielberg the next morning."He also said, "He really needed to be bright and shiny and he was finding it difficult with a chest cold, or the chest infection to sleep.
"Let's hope it doesn't turn into a chest cold. Having a chest cold would be like a giraffe with a neck cold" - Singer Dolly Parton, who is suffering from a "little head cold"
"Let's hope it doesn't turn into a chest cold. Having a chest cold would be like a giraffe with a neck cold" - Well-endowed singer Dolly Parton, who is suffering from a "little head cold".
It was perfect the way it was" Actress Goldie Hawn on why she has not married her long-term partner, Kurt Russell "Let's hope it doesn't turn into a chest cold. Having a chest cold would be like a giraffe with a neck cold" Well-endowed singer Dolly Parton, who is suffering from a "little head cold" "I am not trained as an actress.
Let's hope it doesn't turn into a chest cold. Having a chest cold would be like a giraffe with a neck cold - Well-endowed singer Dolly Parton, who is suffering from a "little head cold".
"Let's hope it doesn't turn into a chest cold. Having a chest cold would be like a giraffe with a neck cold" - Dolly Parton, who is suffering from a "little head cold".
He has been suffering with a "chest cold" for the past week, and has also noticed a gradual increase in chest discomfort.
Physicians can label bronchitis as a "chest cold" or a "viral upper respiratory infection," and provide patient information sheets about appropriate antibiotic use and alternatives to antibiotics for managing symptoms.