catch points

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catch points

pl n
(Railways) railway points designed to derail a train running back in the wrong direction to prevent collision with a following train
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Nearby equipment like strip curtains between temperature zones should also be inspected for potential catch points that can damage equipment, the curtains and energy efficiency.
"Its slim profile ensures there are no annoying catch points that can get in the way."
So when it comes to customizing the vehicle, "You look at the design and say, Okay, what I need to do Is make sure that there are no catch points."
Code 2 means you can fly routes with RNAV SIDs and/or STARs, and Code 3 means you can fly Q-route segments and/or pitch and catch points.
Intended for sanitary and washdown applications, the platforms feature closed shapes and clean connections to minimize catch points. They are ideal for production equipment support and access in washdown areas, crossovers and catwalks.
The pulley is also a fluted piece of metal with sharp catch points that could easily snag a shovel or clothing or a person.
Obama could possibly have posed two major questions to the electorate as his catch points. These are: Is America safer than it was four years ago?
Werner was particularly interested in scoring catch points in his fishing club, the Florida Sport Fishing Association.
"I don't know what people know about roller derby, but its basically a derby on wheels where you have to knock people down to catch points. We are doing 90 per cent of our own stunts.